Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lios-na-gCon Ringfort: Tour

Lios-na-gCon Ringfort: Tour

Lios na gCon Clonakilty Co.Cork

Ringforts [lios] were built and occupied between c.400 BC and c.1200 BC, Like stone cashels and some lake land crannogs, they were the defended farmsteads of the native Irish Celts. These settlements were centres of mixed farming economy, and were largely self-sufficient in the production of tools, textiles, and household goods. About 35,000 ringfort sites are identifiable in the Irish landscape today - they are clearly marked on Ordnance Survey 6" maps of which a small sample has been archeologically investigated. Evidence of economic activity took the form of charred remains of the bones of cattle, sheep, pig, and red deer, as well as of wheat, rye, barley, flax, radish and hazel nut.
Finds in ringforts included iron slag and tool fragments, quernstones, a blue glass bead and crude bone stones and hammer stones.


there are about 20 ringforts-lios in an sean phobal each lios is in sight of each other. there was a storeroom underground it is called a souterrains or tunnel

ringfort-lios at joe harneys an sean phobal